
In which I adore bracelets...

I have been getting into Etsy quite a bit lately. I cannot seem to have enough of its charm. It's like crack. CRACK CANDY. Because such sweets as the Treasury or Colors pull you in AND NEVER LET YOU GO. Never mind, I hate Etsy.

But! As a true addict, I will never leave it. Oh, well. When you find gorgeous bracelets like those below, who really wants to leave?

Brown is one of the few colors that I feel rather neutral about (See what I did there? It's a neutral color?! ...Except that statement's actually true, as well.), but I am attracted to this well-made bracelet. The antiqued silver is just right for it, and I am loving the funky shark-tooth-looking beads interspersed throughout the piece. True craftmanship.

[Buy] here, from Mimi's Bead Studio, for $32.50.

Because I was born in June, I have been sort of forced into liking pearls because it is one of the (MANY -- well, three) birthstones that month has. I used to only like the Moonstone (Can you guess why, when everything on this sight is basically about space?! Joke.) but came around to the pretty fantastic pearl in high school. Who knew that it could come in so many colors? Not I, I assure you, or I would have come around sooner. (Just take a look at that last bracelet for more examples of the chameleon-like nature of the pearl. I like the stone even better when I compare it to lizards. Apparently.) Anyway, this bracelet. I want it. The end.

[Buy] here, from Heartdesignjewelry Handmade, for $9.80.

{image: nansglam}

Birds! I like birds! That sparrow is pretty fetching. It's like he's chirping at me, "Buy me! Buy me! Forego food and buy me! NOW. END OF DISCUSSION." I might just consider his very, um, compelling offer. Maybe.

[Buy] here, from NansGlam, for $52.

I think this design is super simple and earthy. The metal has a sort of rusty feel to it that I like because it offsets the (lone) pearl rather nicely. A white dress would complement it very well.

[Buy] here, from Laura Baillie Designs, for $20.50.

This bracelet is, by far, my favorite in this list. I fell in love with it a couple weeks ago (It was one of my first finds on Etsy.) and have not stopped thinking about it since that time. I want it so badly! But the price is definitely holding me back. Because I am a college student. Therefore I am a very bad four letter word: POOR. Someone buy it and love it for me! Look at those colors! Gorgeous!

[Buy] here, from Xanna's Jewelry Box, for $48.

{Get the font in the image from kevinandamanda.com. It's called, "Wish I Were Taller." What an adorable name!}


In which I wish I had a garden...

So... I visited the Antique Rose Emporium today, and it was EXTREMELY nice. Okay, it might be better to visit when the area is NOT having a BURN BAN in effect (Yes, a BURN BAN (Because it needs all caps to show how serious it is, you know.), which essentially means a drought IN WHICH EVERYTHING IS DEAD. Lovely.) because the place probably would've been much prettier if more than a couple flowers had been heartily blooming. But, regardless, I had a great time, even though the temperature was at least one hundred degrees.

I am not kidding.

ARE (as they like to refer to themselves) was pretty large and had a small variety of nice paths to walk on that showcased their great gardening skills. A table full of herbs grabbed my attention, and I was totally lusting after the basil. Eventually, I would like an herb garden because fresh seasonings taste so much better than packaged ones, no matter how pretty or expensive they are. But! What ARE made me want the most was a flower garden. Full of gorgeous roses.

Just look at them:

[Look] here to find more about the Rubens.

[Look] here to find out more about the Amazone.

[Look] here to find out more about the Knock Out.



In which I am obsessed with a song...

As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am in love with
Pandora, the free streaming radio, where you make a whole station based on the music you like. It is so cool. And did I mention free? Yeah, there are a couple of ads here and there, and you can only listen to forty hours a month (It's only ninety-nine cents if you listen to more than that, for the rest of the month. How do I know that? Well, they sent me an e-mail because I was one of their customers that was "at risk" for going over the time limit because I listen too damn much. HELLO, IT'S FREE! But I digress...); however, I hear so many songs that I would not have heard otherwise!

Like "Almost," by Sarah Harmer, a Canadian artist. I worship this song. She has a captivating voice, and a folksy rhythm. The first time I heard it, I was hooked. And, interestingly enough, it was at the top of the charts in Canada, according to Wikipedia. Canadians probably hate it now because they've heard it so many times. BUT I AM NOT CANADIAN. And I still love it.


[Listen] to it for free here, at Last.fm (It will automatically start, so don't be scared.)

And then [buy] it here, at Amazon, because iTunes sucks.


{Get the font in the image at kevinandamanda.com! It's called, "Jailbird Jenna." Cute, huh?}


In which I say hello...

Welcome to my (new) blog. If you came from Stylistas Anonymous, you will find posts that have to do with fashion here, too, but there will also be much more! In order to properly show off my funny (and opinionated) nature, posts will also include my other favorites: music, books, my life, and etsy things!

It's a wide range, I know, but hopefully, this blog will clue you in to fascinating finds and also make you laugh. Which is why I was put on this earth.

Just ask my mother.